About us
Saint Francis Xavier School is a Catholic school dedicated to the education and formation of students from all backgrounds. As students engage with their learning tools and environment they begin to understand how to develop and use their talents in service to God, the church and the world. Teachers use a variety of tools and techniques to empower students to become their best. It is common to hear teachers boosting and empowering students by using growth mindset comments and principles.
Students at Saint Francis learn from day one that they are called to live as daring disciples who care for and respect one another. To that end, our teachers are dedicated to the use of best practices of virtue based restorative discipline, Love and Logic and service learning. Saint Francis Xavier Student Council is very involved in building leaders who are excited to serve their fellow students in living out representative democratic principles. They are also dedicated to help the community through acts of service and charity.
our Staff:
Darin Pollard
Crissie Trapp
Associate Principal
Barbara Werner
School Secretary
Fr. Al Ebach
Parochial Administrator
We are happy to share with you the “Good News” in education. Our teachers and staff share the good news of Christ with their children every day. The good news starts with helping children recognize their God-given talents and celebrating their many abilities. Whether a child is a talented writer, reader, artist or musician, they all have a role to play in our family. We take a holistic approach to education that recognizes that each area of study is important for the formation of children and helping them become the best version of themselves. We do not tie all of our activities into increasing test scores in English and/or Math, but believe a holistic approach empowers students to do well in those and many other areas.
our academic programs are enriched with
- Physical Education
- Library
- Art
- Music
- Spanish
- Title I Reading
-Performing Arts
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra
- Service Recognition-
Catholics Reaching Out in Service to Society (CROSS)
- Chromebooks- 1:1
- Outstanding Volleyball, Basketball, XC, Track Program
special features
- Accreditation through Missouri Non-Public
School Accrediting
- Before and After School
- Caring Teachers
- National School Lunch Program
-- Honor Roll (grades 6-8)
- Religious Education Program
(Includes Liturgical
Celebrations and Social Outreach)
-Virtue of the Month
- Engaging and fun activities during Catholic Schools Week and during other special occasions
our extracurriculars
- Yearbook
- Students perform singing
and choreography at Senior
Citizens Day luncheon.
- Students perform at a Spring
play which empowers
dramatic and comedic
actors, supporting cast and
stage crew.
- Art and music are taught as
an integral way to educate the whole child to become
all that God plans for them.
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Track
- Cross Country
-Traverse wall
-Multiple Physical Education activities
Leadership & Community
- Student Council
- Safety Patrol
- Scouts
- Altar Serving
- Learn more about our
Community involvement here.